Saturday, November 12, 2016

3 months of laziness, settled well here, Its already been 7 months, 2 months left

Month 8 Day 1

Initially its a day by day post now turns to be like 3 months I didnt write here. My biggest weakness is still here, LAZINESS and I dont know how or when only it will be lost or reduced.7 months being here in NZ, kinda feels already like home and so the laziness kicks in everyday is just cooking, eat, online, sleep, work and stuff... Its basically like a routine. Lack of motivation to write a blog post, edit pictures, and edit the South Island Video. Just feels like laying on bed the whole day.

So Nov 11(Singles Day??) just passed and recently the single dog topic is being brought out, so the reason why Im still single is of course analysed and turn out laziness played a big part as well XD Because Im very lazy to dress up so ended up single which I kinda agree to. All I wanted was to be comfortable and be myself so my first image always fails I guess. Another point is that I feel If I need to do this and do that to meet someone, they will not see the real me and even like also wont like the real me (Which apparently is not true for the whole world because first image really sticks) and whatever I said is only for meeting someone. In case of a job interview of course lar must fake fake wear nice abit. So I guess I still have a few more singles day to celebrate I guess.

Going back one day before Nov 11, something I dont want to happen to me actually happened which my car broke down. At that time I felt like my luck just keeps getting worse (I think most people would think that actually). With my pessimistic thinking I feel this car is gone case since it wont start and I might need to scrap the car and only getting back NZD300 (I plan to sell the car for at least NZD2000 so thats a 1700 lost). Turns out it only needed a NZD400 fix which is very very ok and a lot better than my worst expectations. Yet to get my car today since Its Sunday and workshop did not open. Will see if my car is ok by tomorrow.

People always told me 好人有好报, sometimes Im not really sure because people say Im very good (which I think Im still not THAT good) but if it is so, why unlucky things happen to me. But of course there is also another side where maybe this thing is already destined to happen in my life, but because I am good to people, I actually received help from all my friends here. Since last month there are a lot of things that touched me where my friends help me out (sad to say) in financial matters. In way of thinking I sometimes is really stubborn I guess but then If i started to see things at another side then it means some improvement right? LOLX

OK long essay. maybe update in few weeks maybe in a month haha